8-tray modular plant shelves
Create your own 8-tray modular plant shelf and assemble it in just 5 minutes. Choose:
- Color: white, black, gray or pine bark.
- Watering system: programmable drip watering, smart drip watering or manual watering.
- Add the smart sensor to know everything about your plants.
Modular and customizable design to fit perfectly in your space. Save water and nutrients with the drip irrigation system. Made in Spain with 100% recycled and recyclable polypropylene and beech wood with PEFC ecological seal. Assembled by people with functional diversity.
With your CitySens modular plant shelf you support the circular economy and promote social inclusion.
Free home delivery in 48-72 hours.
- Modular and customizable design: change the structure to adapt it to any space, such as corners, walls, rooms, kitchens, balconies or offices.
- Easy to assemble and disassemble: reconfigure its shape or move it to a different room as it better suits you or your plants.
- You can never have enough plants: as they grow or if you add new plants, change the stucture of your shelf or add more shelves to make them look their best.
- Play with the angles of the trays to give an original and stable structure to your shelf.
- If you make it grow vertically, do not forget to anchor it to the wall with adhesive brackets or hooks.
- Play with the weight of your plants to give it more stability. Place the heaviest plants in the lower trays.
- If you use the trays as a watering tray, place plants with similar watering needs together and use the edge of the tray to place plants that have hangers.
- Save time and water with the invisible drip irrigation and get the most out of your shelf.

Programmable self-watering
Set the right watering for your plants and don't bother your neighbours on vacation!
- Includes digital water timer with LCD display and compact design.
- Up to 18 days of autonomy: the water level indicates when to add more water and nutrients.
- Schedules up to 16 weekly waterings, depending on the season and your plants needs.
- Water efficiently, evenly and without wasting a single drop.

Smart self-watering
Alexa: water the plants.
The most convenient way to water your plants.
- Includes Wi-Fi programmer and App for iOS and Android that connects to Alexa and Google Assist.
- Up to 18 days of autonomy: the water level indicates when to add more water and nutrients.
- Set as many waterings as you want, depending on the season and your plants needs.
- Water efficiently, evenly and without wasting a single drop.

Manual watering
Enjoy the peaceful moments of watering and caring for all your plants.
- Water your plants one by one, according to their watering needs.
- If you use decorative pots do not forget to empty the excess of water.
- If you don't use decorative pots, you can use the tray of your shelf as a watering tray.
- Don't forget to add nutrients to the irrigation water to feed well all your plants.
- It works via Bluetooth by downloading the Flower Care app suitable for iOs and Android.
- In its database you will find hundreds of plant species, choose yours.
- It measures light, humidity, temperature and nutrients.
- Performs data readings in real time and on certain time periods, so you know all about your plants..
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor plants.
Modular plant shelf:
- 8 shelves to enjoy 2 to 5 plants on each shelf.
- 6 connectors to put the different shelves and rods together
- 16 long wooden rods to put the trays together
- 8 short wooden rods to play with the height of your shelves
- User manual with assembly examples
If you need more connectors or wooden rods to give the shape you want to your new shelf, do not hesitate to tell us in the comments before finalizing your order.
Drip irrigation:
- Digital or Wi-Fi irrigation programmer
- Water tank
- Wooden lid
- Water level indicator
- Water pump
- 10 meters of watering tube
- 12 3-way connectors
- 1 4-way connector
- 12 pressure compensated drippers
- 12 attachment pins
The pressure-compensated drippers give the same flow rate regardless of the height or position of the dripper but should not be placed higher than 1.2m from the water tank.
Modular shelf:
- Net weight: 3kg
- Maximum weight per shelf: 8kg
- Shelves: 47cm long, 20cm wide, 10cm high; 1cm high flange.
- Long rods: 30cm high. Short rods: 10cm high.
- Sustainably grown beech wood.
- 100% recycled and recyclable domestic polypropylene, water and UV light resistant.
Drip irrigation:
- Tank measures: 22cm diameter; 21cm high.
- Tank capacity: 7 L.
- Water flow rate: 2L/h.
- Wooden lid resistant to humidity.
- Made with recycled plastic.
- Resistant to water and UV light.
Smart sensor:
- Device dimensions: 13.2cm high.
- Batteries: one lithium battery included.
- Waterproof IPX5; not submersible.
- Works up to 15m from the device.
- Heat and shock resistant.
The shelves may have some staining due to the polypropylene recycling process.
- You will receive the confirmation and tracking of your order in your email.
- Deliveries are made Monday to Friday, check the delivery times for your area and the special conditions for plants in the Shipping and Return policy.
- If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have 14 days to return it.
- All CitySens products are guaranteed for 2 years. In case of any problem, write us to solve it as soon as possible.
Thanks to the drip irrigation system
Create your own urban jungle
Made from high quality recycled and recyclable plastic
We work with people with functional diversity.
Sistemes de prestatges i torretes molt pràctics i decoratius
Sistemes de prestatges i torretes molt pràctics i decoratius. Per als qui ens agraden les plantes són una molt bona combinació d’estètica i funcionalitat, també amb una component de respecte per al medi ambient ja que estan fets a base de plàstic reciclat i fusta.
A casa tenim muntat el sistema en forma de torre, com es pot veure a la foto, però és possible configurar-lo en un munt de combinacions.
La compra per Internet dels productes de Citysens funciona a la perfecció, els productes arriben a temps i en bones condicions, cosa meritòria quan les compres inclouen plantes, com ha estat en el nostre cas un parell de vegades.
Tot bé i 100% recomanable.
Profesionalismo, Calidad, Relación calidad-precio, Capacidad de
Busqué, busqué y busqué y no había encontrado nada que sirviera para llenar una esquina de plantas. Estanterías de esquina que sirvieran donde cupieran plantas de distintas alturas, que fuesen de un material que no se dañara...
Hasta que me topé con Citysens y fue flechazo. En 24 horas ya tenía 8 bandejas en casa con el sistema de riego automático que es una pasada. Es super flexible, lindo, de material duradero, elegante, simple. Vaya, como si lo hubiese mandado a hacer.
Por WhatsApp me ofrecieron guía y soporte también. No la necesité.
Todo muy bien hasta ahora, gracias!
El paquete llegó perfectamente embalado. La estantería se monta muy fácilmente (las instrucciones son claras y sencillas). Ha quedado perfecta, las plantas tienen mucho espacio y lucen muy bien. Estoy muy contenta con la estantería Citysens...y mis plantas también.
Son una maravilla de estanterías, y el sistema de riego automático es genial. Estoy contentísima con el producto, y encima son una empresa concienciada con el medio ambiente y con asociaciones de personas con diversidad funcional. Volveré a comprar seguro. Sois geniales, gracias por demostrar que una empresa puede ser buena para el planeta y a la vez ofrecer gran producto
Profesionalismo, Calidad, Capacidad de Respuesta
Hem comprat la prestatgeria per plantes i és genial. Queda molt bé i permet posar-hi moltes plantes. De moment no hem comprat el sistema de reg per degoteig però potser en el futur ho farem.
Fa temps també vam comprar el jardí vertical per regalar i també té molt bon resultat i presència.
El tracte amb la gent de CitySens és genial. Recomano comprar-hi
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