Hanging Plants: Decorate Your Home Inside and Outside

Hanging plants decorate your home whether you have a small flat or a large house. They take up little space, bring natural beauty and a lot of colour.
When it comes to decorating your home with hanging plants, you should take into account whether they are for indoors or outdoors. Today on the blog we have selected some species so that you can choose the one that suits you best and enjoy them all year round. Keep in mind that indoor plants prefer sunny spaces, while the others enjoy the sun and wind without being damaged, as they are more resistant.
Hardy indoor plants
Pothos Neon
Pothos Neon is a very decorative bright yellow variety. Ideal for indoor and humid spaces in the house, it requires a lot of natural light, but without direct sunlight. It is very easy to grow due to its adaptability and it is also excellent for hanging or climbing on stakes, a must for any corner of your home!

Pothos Pictus
The pothos Pictus or silver potus (Scindapsus pictus) is unique for its thick velvety leaves and its unique silver spots - yes, yes silver!
It is native to hot and humid places: specifically the rainforests of Southeast Asia. There they are happy to be found climbing up tree trunks. However, in colder climates such as the Mediterranean, they should be grown indoors.
It is a captivating vine... a real delight as a decorative houseplant. It stores water inside, so it can withstand heat and drought very well. A very grateful singular species and also an air purifier. Another very important factor is that it is a warrior. It is able to withstand large amounts of light, always indirect, as well as thrive in low light conditions.
The Pothos Pictus is one of the most desirable and hard to find. There is no other plant like it, SPECTACULAR!

Pothos N’joy
The star of the pothos. It stands out for its unique leaves with various shades of green and asymmetrical, well-defined white or cream spots. It helps to purify the environment and grows very quickly.
It reproduces easily by cuttings from the end of the stems (apical). It is sufficient to place them in water and after a few days they will take root. They should then be planted in a small pot so that they can grow.
Their fascinating shades of leaves create a natural mosaic, making them the absolute stars of the home.
Outdoor hanging plants
Spider plant
Also called "Mala Madre" and although it is an indoor hanging plant, it also tolerates the elements with resistance, as long as it is placed in a place protected from strong wind and excessive sun. It is characterised by its elongated leaves which offer shades of green, white and cream.
It is a perennial herbaceous plant with ribbed leaves (hence its popular name), also known as spiderwort, love bow or malamadre. It is native to South Africa, and its scientific name is Chlorophytum comosum. It does not grow very tall, about 20-25cm, and as it produces offshoots from the stolons that seem to "fall", it is one of the plants most commonly used as a pendant.
It needs semi-shade, well-drained substrates and moderate watering. It withstands cold and light frosts down to -2ºC.
Green Ivy
Green Ivy is very easy to care for, as it is a plant that does not need a lot of natural light or constant watering. It is native to Asia, Africa and Europe. It grows fast, so it should be pruned frequently.
It is irresistible because of its ease of cultivation, adaptability and perennial nature. La Green Ivy is a born climber that decorates with the simplicity of its characteristic leaves. In order for ivy to grow properly, it should ideally be grown in a good pot with a universal substrate but, above all, with good drainage to avoid any kind of waterlogging.

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