Sustainable Movement CitySens

Every year 8 million tons of plastic are thrown into the oceans. The durability of plastic and its high consumption means that there is more and more plastic in the seas and oceans.
Only 18% of the plastic is recycled.
What is the solution? Promote recycling and circular economy.
The shelf and the vertical black garden are made of 100% recycled and recyclable polypropylene (PP).
Why do we use recycled polypropylene?
- That instead of consuming oil, a non-renewable source, we use recycled plastic.
- Recycled polypropylene is crushed, melted and allows us to create any shape, such as vertical, modular and customizable structures.
- Polypropylene is a very durable and safe material. It does not change color with light, it is waterproof and can be easily cleaned.
Virgin PP is used to make water and pressure resistant containers such as plastic cups, butter or ketchup containers, caps, hangers or straws. You will recognize it with the number 5 inside the recycling arrows.
Thanks to reuse we can extend the life of the material, reduce waste and energy consumption to manufacture new products. That is, we used PP that a year ago was the glass with which you drank a soda or a pot of butter from your breakfast.
Due to the long life of the material it is vital that you recycle PP containers.
At CitySens we close the circle of life of the PP in order to reuse it and manufacture planters and vertical shelves to enjoy more plants at home or at work.
But alone we do nothing, we need to increase the recycling rate of plastic. One of our main objectives is to try to raise awareness in society about the importance of treating waste properly, so as not to contribute to climate change and thus protect the environment. For this reason, we have conducted an interview with Carmen, from Sostenibilízate, expert sustainability advisor for individuals and companies :-) We recommend that you go directly to her page and begin to change small habits that will positively increase the environment and society.
-For people who want to start a sustainable life. What would you advise them?
In order to make the change to a sustainable life, the first step is to simplify our way of living. How? Sit down, look around you, organize your "things" and start planning a minimalist life, reduce your consumption and acquire only those goods that make you happy. Buy by reading the labels and informing yourself of the origin and composition of the products, you will be able to increase the positive impact on the environment and society.
- Do you think that your choice when consuming influences the sustainability of the planet?
Totally, without any doubt. Consumers have a lot of power, we decide if something remains on the market or ceases to exist. By consuming responsibly, we can change the world. An example: making a purchase of € 100 in a supermarket, only € 15 are directly passed on to the local economy, instead if you buy the products in a market, a platform of producers or in a cooperative you invest € 45 in the economy of the place. In addition, packaging can be reduced by around 20% in the case of local purchase. Therefore, what you consume and how you consume it directly influences the three aspects of sustainability (social, environmental and economic).
- What are the differences between linear and circular economy?
Until a few years ago, production processes were based on the linear economy, in which resources were extracted from nature, transformed, used and discarded. The paradigm shift towards a circular economy establishes a production process in which it is not necessary to use virgin elements of nature but instead use the materials that until now were considered waste, introducing them into the production process over and over again. Two other key aspects of the circular economy are, on the one hand, the reduction of consumption (there is no point in an economy of infinite growth in a finite world) and on the other hand, the increase in the life of the products that are manufactured, in such a way so that its useful life is extended.
- What positive impact does FSC stamps imply?
The FSC seal can be applied to all wood-derived goods and establishes standards that ensure that the certified product comes from the management of sustainable forests, where it ensures: the conservation of ecosystems, the protection of the rights of workers in towns and the equitable distribution of benefits. When you buy a product certified with this seal, you make sure that it is a sustainable product.
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