How to Keep Your Poinsettia Alive Until Next Christmas

Here you have the best tips to take care of your poinsettia so it survives this holiday season and lasts throughout the year.
The poinsettia is a tropical plant that comes from Mexico. Despite of that, it is the quintessential Christmas plant and there is no better gift than a poinsettia to decorate the house next to the Christmas tree.
However, this does not mean that after the holidays it is no longer useful or it "must die". With a little pampering you can make it survive the whole year and, if you stay until the end, you will learn how to get red leaves again.
. DID YOU KNOW?The scientific name of the Poinsettia is Euphorbia Pulcherrima and means "the most beautiful" in Latin. . |
The poinsettia does not need much water, for pots of about 14 cm with the water that fits in a glass of champagne every two or three days is more than enough. If it is smaller, give it only a shot of water.
Water little but often and always check before watering that it really needs it by touching the soil.
If the leaves dry out or turn brown: it needs a drink.
It is important that water does not touch the leaves to keep them firm and beautiful.
Remember that you can water from below in the pot tray or by immersion, when the water level does not drop any more, remove the excess. Never leave stagnant water.
It loves light, especially when it is in bloom, so you can place it near a window. Avoid direct sun, especially in summer, or it may burn.
It prefers warm temperatures (15-20ºC), so in cold and frosty areas it is better to keep it indoors.
If the leaves turn yellow, the environment is too hot, dry and dark.
If the leaves are drooping or flaccid, there are air currents that are bothering it. Protect it and keep it away from the heater.
If they fall off, it lacks humidity, try spraying them or place a bucket of water nearby.
Although you may think it is an indoor plant, it is actually an outdoor shrub, but remember that it is tropical and therefore does not like drafts or frost. In warm areas with lots of light and a porous soil it can live outdoors all year round.
Spring is the ideal time to transplant it to a larger pot.
From October onwards it will slow down its growth to concentrate on generating new flowers that will bloom in December.
It branches very easily so placing it near a wall or a lattice is a great idea, so it will grow leaning against it. With the right environment it can grow several meters tall.
Did you know that its red leaves are not flowers? They are bracts that turn this special shade precisely to protect the small yellow flowers in the center. That is why when it is no longer in bloom and when the day begins to lengthen the red color disappears.
But don't panic, you can still get red leaves next winter. A few weeks before flowering in December, during the months of September, October and November leave it in the dark.
Just like that, if during these months it spends much of the day in the dark either with some dark box or plastic on top or even inside a closet, the leaves will turn red again.
What do you say, do you accept the challenge to keep your poinsettia alive until next Christmas? Will you get red leaves again? We are sure that if you save this blog, you will.
Happy holidays and happy new year!
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