Houseplants for Dimly Lit Houses

Do you love houseplants but your home is low light, or do you have a bedroom that opens onto an interior courtyard? You might be happy to know that there are plenty of low-light houseplants to create a green corner in your home. Peace lily, aloe vera and bromeliad are some of the best tropical options that will bring life to any space. We tell you all about them in this blog so that you can find the species that best suits the space you have.
Calathea has become a favourite among interior decorators because of the beauty of its elongated, lance-shaped leaves with a purplish underside. It comes from the tropical regions of America and, although it appreciates moderate light exposure, direct sunlight should always be avoided. It should therefore be placed in a room in the house that is not too sunny. If your house is not very luminous, place this plant right next to the window. As for watering, it should ideally be watered once or twice a week in winter and every two or three days in summer. This variety needs a lot of humidity, so it should be sprayed frequently to keep it in perfect condition.
Have you ever seen a bromeliad? A tropical indoor plant that stands out for its bright colours and will bring a touch of colour to your home. They are ideal for indoors, as they do not need direct light, but only indirect light. Place the plant next to the window but avoid direct sunlight because its leaves could get burnt.

If you are looking for a relaxing space with purified air, this is the plant for you. Spathiphyllum, also known as "peace lily", is one of the most popular indoor plants thanks to its easy cultivation and beautiful white flowers. It brings peace of mind and is so easy to care for that any gardening enthusiast would know how to grow this variety. It is very hardy but if you want it to flower put it in front of the window.
Maindenhair Fern
Most plants need light. However, there are plants native to the tropical undergrowth that are used to low light. There are many varieties of ferns, but if you like the peculiar shapes that these plants create, then the maindenhair fern is the ideal plant for you. It has abundant leaves that droop finely and elegantly. Luckily, you can keep it in the shade, without the need for direct light, as long as you keep it moist. Your best ally will be the ambient humidity.

Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera plant is something like the Holy Grail of the plant kingdom. As well as being a real all-rounder, capable of adapting to both sunny and shady spaces, it has a large number of beneficial properties for health: it improves air quality and helps you to fall asleep.
It is easy to care for, beautiful and, on top of that, it has healing properties. It is a real all-rounder, able to adapt to both sunny and dimly lit spaces. If it doesn't get direct sun, don't water it too much, as many people die from over-watering. It couldn't be easier! Go ahead and have an aloe vera.

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